Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010

Got Tangled With Mom

Have watched Tangled (Rapunzel) 3D with mom :)

I'm gonna review the movie in different version. Please, enjoy it :)

Lovely Rapunzel... Kidnapped from her parents and arrested in a tower.

Rapunzel could climb tower's wall by her hair.

Or she use it to helped her painting on the wall.

But it's bothered her a bit when she's doing the housekeeping.

Let's meet Flint, he's a thief and Flint stole the tiara of missing princess (which is Rapunzel tiara).

Flint need to find a place to hide himself and the tiara. Voila, he found a tower over there.

Oops... Flint held captive by Rapunzel.

Rapunzel makes a bargain with Flint: Flint will guide her to see the light that continuously appear on her birthday and take her back to the tower, after that Rapunzel will return the tiara.

Aaahh... Those light comes from the lantern. The kingdom sends floating lanterns into the sky longing for their lost princess to return.

Rapunzel hasn't realizes that she is the lost princess.

And already 'like' Flint.

Whether Rapunzel realize that she is the lost princess?
Will Rapunzel freed from the tower and reunited with her parents?
And how about Rapunzel and Flint love story?

Well, you better watched the movie.
I ran out of the picture to continue the story, besides I don't want to be spoiler here :)

Ah ya, I watched Tangled in 3D version with mom.
Just curious about her opinion and 'reaction' of 3D technology ;)
But she could handle her excitement so well.

In the end of movie, mom told me that she likes the story.
But I'm quite sure mom loves 3D technology better than the story.
Mom loves to see the pictures popping out from screen as if she could touch it with her hand.

'Umh, another 3D movies mom?'.


17 komentar:

  1. seemed interesting.....
    sampe sekarang belum ada kesempatan nonton 3D (katrok mode:ON, wkwkwkwkwk) :D :D

  2. wah, sebenernya saya nggak terlalu suka animasi. Tapi koq liat review disini plus liat gambar2nya, sama dengerin referensi temen2 yang udah nonton 3Dnya katanya bagus banget.. saya koq jadi pengen yak..

    #ngitung duit didompet

  3. Jadi pengen nontonnnnnnn....... dimana aku bisa nonton ya..? Hikss...
    Sepertinya bagus banget tuh filmnya.

  4. Aku juga belum pernah nonton 3D... hehehe.
    Sungguh, gambar2nya keren2 banget..!

  5. mer, pusing gak sih onton film 3D selama hampir 2 jam, habis aku kadang nontong yang seperempat jaman aja kadang mata udah capek trus pusing :( tapi keliatannya keren ya... udah maen belum ya di semarang?

  6. waaaaaaaaaah
    asyik bener reviewnya
    serasa nonton film beneran deh

    thanks Ocha!!!!!

  7. Rapunzel ngga kesakitan apa rambutnya dipakai buat tali saat manjat ke menara? Mau nonton juga, ah. Mungkin Rapunzel pakai shampoo ... ya? Makanya rambutnya kuat, bisa dipakai buat manjat menara? Hehe...

  8. wew..riview nya in english :D

    kirain mama nya mbak rosa bakal komen2 lucu ky biasanya, hehehe :D

  9. Belum sempet nonton... Pengeeennn...
    aku paling suka film2 ginian, inget masa kecil hehehee

  10. waduh, bukan selera saya. nunggu dvdnya aja deh. :)

  11. udah berapa kali pengen nonton ni film, tapi ngajakin temen2 ga ada yg mau. katanya film anak2. hiks...hiks..
    ya uda, mungkin tunggu DVD nya aja.. hehe

  12. semalam pengen nonton tapi apa daya lagi flu berat so gak jadi, heheheee... tapi akan segera ditonton. gak bisa boker enak gw kalau belom lihat tuh pilm.

    anyway hasil lomba telah dipublish, silahkan berkunjung dalam 1 kali 24 menit. capcussssssssssssss

  13. gw mau ntn itu tp dikalahkan ama next 3 days, bisa2 skip deh ini film, minggu dpn byk film bagus jg yg bakal turun

  14. Aku sering baca cerita rapunzel ini di buku sih
    pernah lihat versi kartunnya juga di TV
    tapi kalo layar lebarnya dibuat biasanya lebih seru dan romantis..
    wah keren..

  15. Rossa, ini bagus bgt 3D-nya! Tokoh ceweknya rambutnya panjang bgt! :))

    ps. Oya, kemarin dirimu jadi nonton animasi di hellofest? trus ketemuan sama si Rama lg ga? :P

  16. Ocha, kali ini dirimu gak kerjain Mama lagi kan ya?? hihih

    asiknyaaa yg ngedate ma mamanya :D

    jadi mupeng pengen nontonnya, sayang disini gk ada 3D nya :(
