Yup, I'm turning 24 on this day :D
I was change my hair style and wore a dress to appreciate myself and enjoying this day, too bad that I don't take any photos :( There's a lot of task that I must done in this day. Just wondering if I could get another vacation :p ahahahaha....
Mom, dad, and my 'lil brotha congratulate me before I went to work. There's a lot of hopes and pray, ooohhh they really makes me wanna cried. Thanks mom, dad, bro, for all of your love and affection for me. I love you all so much.
Another surprise comes when I turning on my cell phone (I always turned off the cell phone while I was sleeping). Someone (not) really special but I love him much (as a best friend, or maybe as a bf?), but we're not a couple (never made as a couple), let say he was my TTM, and he already gone for about two months, is texting me a message. Gosh, really glad to read that, he said that he wanna be the first one to congratulate me, but my cell phone was off and all he can do just send the message. Aaaahhh....he remembered my birthday eh :p
I brought a cake and souvenirs from my vacation to all of the office member. And guess what, I've got a white roses in my table and a present from my office mate :)
how sweet eh? I really having a great day, laugh a lot with the office crew even though we've got a 'lil bit dizzy cause all of the task.
You know what? My ex (still) doesn't congratulate me. Hm, it's already two years, but I think he still mad of me. Aaahhh....dont care 'bout that any longer. I love my life now, and never regret what was happen between two of us. And today, once again, I have to broke my office mate's heart. Sorry, but I hope we can be a good friend.
Heeeyyy...why does I write about my love life? This is my special day right, and I wanna having fun with all of the person whom I loved.
Happy birthday Rossa.....Hopefully all of your dreams, goals, and hopes can be true. Just try it and never giving up of failure. And be sure, someone special, Mr. Right, is out there, waiting for you :D
happy b-day ya jeunggg
BalasHapusmoga makin makin deh..
makasiy ya dah jadi teman blog yang baik :)
Happy birthday Ros.
BalasHapusWish all your dreams come true.... Wish more travels can be done ....
Wish more friends to get.....
and wish this blog exist forever....
BalasHapusI wanna give you a Rose,
but you are already a Rose.
So I only can send you my prayer.
And make your mom proud of you
happy b day to you...
BalasHapushappy b day to you...
happy b day to you...
just to youuuuuuuuuu
rosaaa met ulang tahun ya
BalasHapussemoga tetap cantik dan cepet dapat pacar (eh knp juga ttmnya ga dibujuk buat jadi pacar aja)
maaf telat mbak rossa.. met ultah...
BalasHapussemoga apa yang mbak inginkan dikabulakn sama Tuhan.. hehe
waa..telat nii baru baca :D
BalasHapusgpp ya mbak yg penting kan doany :)
hepi bday yah mbak, wish u all da best ^^
Happy belated birthday!
happy birthday sista
BalasHapusWish all your dreams come true
Wish all expectations achieved
good luck is always at work and love
I just give this words and
kisses for u
*jadi inget bday ke 19 ditanggal 19 :)
Selamat ultah, tambah sukses ya mbak..
BalasHapusmet ultah dan semoga sukses selalu..
BalasHapusamin.. :D
Hepp!e B'day yach mbak ross..
BalasHapuswish u all the bezt.. Aminnn...
*dijitak mbak ross..
udah ngucapinya telat, minta makan-makan lagi..
hahaaa.. :D
Happy birthday..!! Eh aku baru sadar beberapa hr lalu klo namamu Rossa. Hihihi...kirain Merry. Sori ya!
BalasHapusWah sama, aku jg senang waktu 'TTM' ingat my birthday, dan ucapannya walau hanya 3 kata (selamat ulang tahun) means a lot compared to others. hehehe...
Semoga makin sukses dan sehat selalu biar bisa traveling lagi yah!
@ all: thaaanks....kalian (selalu) melengkapi kebahagiaan saya :D
BalasHapus@ Cipu: ah cipu, saya jadi terharu baca quotes kamu
"I wanna give you a Rose,
but you are already a Rose"
Thanks for being such a nice and wonderful person I ever meet (padahal belum pernah kupi darat).hahaha.....
@ Fanda: Merry, Rossa, they refers to one person :) saya juga suka dipanggil dengan nama Merry ;)
Tentang TTM, yaaaa saya setuju sama kamu :D
Happy Birthday
BalasHapusSelamat Ulang tahun yaaaaaaaaa
Walopun telat, semoga doanya ga telat :D
BalasHapushappy birthday yaaa mba rossa,
semoga selalu sukses dalam karir dan jodoh :D
bahagia dunia akhirat Amiiin